Dental clinics in Abu Dhabi

A Lovely, Fun, Beneficial Experience Of Your Little Ones

The first dental visit for your little one should be at the age of 1 year, where you are thought to provide proper oral care for his primary teeth and the child should be involved in maintaining his/her oral hygiene as soon as he is coordinated enough to tie his own shoes.

Here at Duri Clinic, we understand how important is the oral health of your little ones and how it will positively affect their oral health as they get older,

Our team also understands the psychology of the child and the effect of a negative unpleasant dental visit, which may have a negative impact on their oral health, so we always try to create a pleasant, friendly dental visit for your child.

Am afraid that my child will feel pain during his dental treatment?
Dental treatment for a child is almost the same as for adults, pain will not be felt after proper anesthesia is given to adults the same goes for children the only difference is the psychological measures you need to overcome to make your child more comfortable and less anxious during dental treatment, this will be done by special methods of making your child more comfortable and relaxed, during any dental procedure.
Why should I save my child’s teeth ? will not a new teeth come out in its place ?
A lot of users think that leaving their child’s teeth damaged till they fall by themself is the right decision, due to the traumatic dental experience they faced when they were children, but what they don’t know is that each tooth has a certain age to erupt, and it is essential for his child to save his primary teeth when applicable so that he can eat, smile, speak so that he could get the nutrition needed to grow in addition to building his confidence when interacting with others, prematurely losing your child's milk teeth without getting proper space management will lead to loss of space that might lead to improper positioning of the new permanent  tooth

At Duri clinic, Our dentists will take special measures to assure a fun, Educational & beneficial visit for you and your little ones

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Laughing gas and how does it affect my kid’s dental visit and is it safe?

Laughing gas is the common term for Nitrous oxide which is a colorless flavorless gas, that is inhaled using a nasal hood with the effect of sedation, simply it makes your child less anxious and can increase their pain threshold.
It is safe to use nitrous oxide with almost no side effects of the gas, the effect of the gas subsides either immediately after stopping the gas & inhaling oxygen or after 3-5 minutes of inhaling oxygen.

Is The Thought Of A Dental Visit To Your Child Makes You Nervous And Brings Some Bad Memory?
Most of the adults are afraid of visiting the dentist due to a bad experience they faced when they were little, which have to lead them to ignore their dental health, which makes them nervous and afraid of getting their little ones to the dentist so that they won't face the same bad experience they did when they were kids

Our Specialist Pediatric Dentists are Expert in

Primary teeth extraction

Here at Duri Clinic, the removal of your child’s primary teeth is done without any pain to maintain your child’s positive attitude toward dental treatment and oral hygiene and is done as carefully as possible to prevent damage to the permanent teeth found underneath the primary teeth.

Space maintaining

After tooth removal, there will be an empty space that the neighboring tooth drifts and moves to, thus eliminating the space needed for the correct eruption of the permanent tooth causing crowding and unproperly aligned permanent teeth, to prevent this from occurring our dental team here at Duri Clinic will place a space maintainer which will maintain the space until the eruption of the permanent tooth.

Vital and non-vital root therapy

At Duri clinic, we always believe in saving a tooth whenever we can even if it was a primary tooth, and that comes from our understanding of the negative impact tooth extraction may have on your child, so we perform various complicated treatments for your child’s primary teeth nerves ranging full painless root canal treatment or only removal of the inflamed portion of their affected primary teeth nerves.


Why a Pediatric Dentist?
Do you love going to the dentist? Your children will! A Pediatric Dentist is trained specifically on how to help your child: love going to the dentist and preventing and repairing dental damage already done. At Idaho Pediatric Dentistry we use a gentle touch and a positive atmosphere to make the dental visits fun. Our team of pediatric specialists love kids and have been specially trained to help them feel at ease. Our goal is to make going to the dentist a memorable, positive, fun, and educational experience.
What is a Pediatric Dentist? (Pedodontist)?
Upon successful completion of dental school, a pediatric dentist will train for an additional 2-3 years at a university or hospital pediatric board-certified facility. They become experts in behavior modification and behavior molding. They become specialists in child and adolescent oral growth and development, in treating special patients, dental decay, trauma, prevention, sedation, and hospital dentistry. They learn how to help your child complete their needed dental care without causing long-term dental fear. They are the dentist that you wish you had as a child.
What dental problems could by child get?
Early dental visits, before age one, have been shown to be a highly effective way to prevent larger problems in childhood. Your child can obtain decay at a very early age. Our doctors have treated many children at age 1-2 years with extensive dental problems that largely could have been prevented. Gum disease is also another problem that can be properly treated if properly caught in time.
Why are baby teeth important? Aren’t they going to fall out anyways?
Primary teeth are important in function, esthetics, and space maintenance. They also contribute to proper speech and lip support. Having healthy primary teeth allow for the normal eruption of the permanent teeth and in the development of the jaw bones and muscles. If a child's tooth becomes decayed and infected, extraction without proper space maintenance can lead to crooked permanent teeth or other problems. Decay in baby teeth can happen very quickly. A small lesion can become large and then infected very commonly within one year. Primary front teeth do being to fall out around age 6 but continue to exfoliate until around age 12. A decayed primary molar in a young child has much more potential to become infected before it falls out than not if left untreated. Infection in primary teeth can lead to damage to the permanent teeth growing below in the bone.
When should I take my child to the dentist for the first time?
The AAPD and the AAP recommend that your child see the dentist at a very early age, around 6 months to before 1 yrs old. It has been shown that early dental visits can prevent more costly dental treatment in the future. It is less expensive to prevent it than to have to treat it.
What should I tell my child about their first visit?
You know your child best. Some kids do better not knowing, other need to know. Not knowing, allows our professional staff to guide them into a very positive first dental experience. Some children do better knowing what's coming. If they have preconceived negative notions of what is going to happen, you may want to positively educate them. You can start by reading positive books with them and using positive reinforcement. Express your confidence in their abilities to do good!
What about prevention?
I think it is funny that dentistry is one of the only professions that do their best to put themselves out of business. We are huge on prevention! Regular 6 month dental visits with proper prevention, including fluoride varnish, have been shown to be highly effective in dental decay prevention. Sealants are another great source to prevent decay on permanent molars. Anticipatory guidance has been shown to be very effective in prevention. We use the latest in proven technology and supplies to ensure that your child is receiving the best care possible.